If no one else will talk about it I will, I love photography
Posted: Monday 9. August 2004, 08:43
I think that photography is a way of self expression. It also gives us memories, (has a bad one) anyhow I go out almost everyday and take pictures of anything and everything from the water to other people. I think that photography also shows things that you like seen most people wouldn't take a picture of something they don't like, for the most part anyhow. Photography nowadays can also be altered by a number of computer programs such as Paint Shop Pro 7 (which I use when needed). I use it to clear red eyes, make the pictures look like they were actually boughten pictures and not film/digitally taken pictures. I believe that photography is as much an art as drawing, or music, or Gothicism, they're all arts you just have preferences on which things you like to expand in...anyhow I don't know if I should've wrote anything seen it is 4 am here and I haven't slept in almost 2 days...so I will stop waasting everyone's time and let you all get back to you normal humble lives hehe :P