Last comments

Elvenpath475 views01/03/10 at 10:49Lunavel Rain: your pictures are sooo beautiful!!!!!!

Traces of Laurelin324 views01/03/10 at 10:39Lunavel Rain: wow..... this is filled with so much emotion!

1925 views01/03/10 at 10:36Lunavel Rain: i love this picture!

1989 views01/03/10 at 10:30Lunavel Rain: wow.. very artistic.. i love it

2973 views01/03/10 at 10:25Lunavel Rain: your photos would be great for a musik album

5478 views01/03/10 at 10:19Lunavel Rain: beautiful.. i love the colors in this picture

Grand Red Riding Hood368 views01/03/10 at 10:00Lunavel Rain: wow.. you look fantastic

Ewel1242 views12/24/09 at 00:58Ewel: fialovo-čierna

1060 views12/23/09 at 09:51AloneSoul: pekne....hm pozadie

Ewel1242 views12/23/09 at 09:47AloneSoul: ale no biela podprsenka?

Brunnen636 viewsFotograf: Guido Wörlein12/07/09 at 21:27Dark Teddy: Einfach, natürlich, schön! Kompliment!

serenity506 viewsmodel me/photo Natalia Parfenova 11/15/09 at 19:10Red_Woolf: Sweet angel!!!!!!!!!

Tenderness of an instant493 viewsmodel/edit me
photo Natalia Parfenova11/15/09 at 19:08Red_Woolf: Delicate gothic princess !!!!!!!!!!

2286 views10/29/09 at 11:14death angel: death angel wunderschön, einfach geil

2303 views10/29/09 at 11:12death angel: du siehst einfach geil aus, super

Do You Like Corsets?460 views10/25/09 at 14:35darksymphonie: I like the model too! You are truly beautiful

3768 views10/06/09 at 21:05Sinner White Rose: Perfect...So perfect as only Darkness can be...

2638 views10/06/09 at 18:23Sinner White Rose: You look as the most perfect Lord Lestat I have ev...

1719 views10/06/09 at 18:18Sinner White Rose: Like a character from Ann Rice's masterpieces....

1715 views09/12/09 at 18:17Aidenn Queen: Na ist doch wahr... Wie kann man zu nem Fotoshooti...

2132 views09/12/09 at 17:39Dark-Art.ch: Na ja, mich persönlich stören die Hackenreuze und ...

4055 views09/11/09 at 21:51AloneSoul: beautiful

1836 views08/27/09 at 05:46bleeding angel: You can be easy the best bond girl...

1715 views08/18/09 at 00:55Satyr: Olle Meckerziege

1680 views08/15/09 at 21:46SevenDaysToDie: erlich gesagt gefällt mir dieser natürliche look d...

580 viewsself-portrait08/15/09 at 21:42SevenDaysToDie: wc bilder finde ich persönlich immer so lala aber ...

543 viewsself-portrait08/15/09 at 21:40SevenDaysToDie: das hat was! wirklich gut gelungen

You drive me crazy1014 views08/12/09 at 21:00BURDENGRIEF: ... You to me... Too.. .... I keep bre...

Shy2178 views08/12/09 at 20:56BURDENGRIEF: Very great... you deal with the concept... What ...

Misery 2389 views08/12/09 at 20:51BURDENGRIEF: Very great...

Yellow562 views08/12/09 at 20:50BURDENGRIEF: Great ... good colour setting.. Added to my favs....

682 views08/12/09 at 19:53BURDENGRIEF: Sehr Gut !.... De donde serás ??? Algo me dice qu...

1008 views08/12/09 at 19:25BURDENGRIEF: Wonderful... gorgeous... good concept... so wonder...
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