Last comments

2487 views12/20/04 at 20:07Kim: echt gelungen!

1400 views12/20/04 at 16:48Lucretia969: Plus+plus! gelungenes Bild!!!!

2442 views12/20/04 at 16:46Lucretia969: wie meinste das?? inwiefern?

1593 views12/20/04 at 16:44Lucretia969: Die Pose stört mich

2369 views12/20/04 at 16:41Lucretia969: die farben wirken etwas künstlich??nachgeholfen?

2060 views12/18/04 at 15:58Silvara: wirklich bezaubernd

4771 views12/18/04 at 15:39idotatoos: hi, loved all your photos!!! great style you have ...

1854 views12/17/04 at 22:16idotatoos: a beautiful tattooed lady, what more could one wan...

4217 views12/17/04 at 22:13idotatoos: hello, great photos, i love the whole set!! very e...

2565 views12/17/04 at 22:07idotatoos: great stuff, i love it!!!!

16261 views12/17/04 at 22:05idotatoos: hello, fantastic pictures.....your a very beautifu...

3293 views12/17/04 at 22:02idotatoos: hiya doll!!! great stuff, lol, cya soon.....hey im...

6714 views12/17/04 at 22:00idotatoos: hello...i enjoyed your photos....very beautiful!!!...

2060 views12/17/04 at 15:12cerenity: süsser gehts nicht mehr:)

2487 views12/17/04 at 15:12cerenity: eifach süss die 2

1784 views12/15/04 at 13:04Mandragora: die positive ausstrahlung im bild mag ich sehr!

3659 views12/15/04 at 13:00Mandragora: ich schließe mich ebenfalls an!

957 views12/14/04 at 09:59Mandragora: sorry, aber da ich andere bilder von der lady kenn...

1221 views12/14/04 at 09:56Mandragora: der macht seine srbeit gut!!!

3094 views12/13/04 at 22:19cerenity: hm ich bin allzeit bereit*g*

1791 views12/13/04 at 18:49Silvara: absoluter hammer!

3094 views12/13/04 at 18:21Silvara: hach, cere, du bist und bleibst die knuffigste. wa...

1221 views12/13/04 at 15:48Komposti: Tränchen, wie immer

Dark Isle - www.ladystarshine.com1188 views12/12/04 at 20:59SchwarzeTraene: bitte iss was

1154 views12/12/04 at 19:51Mandragora: also, ich weiß, warum ich deine bilder so absolut g...

Metropolitan Murdergirl4 - www.ladystarshine.com1016 views12/12/04 at 19:50Mandragora:

Dark Isle - www.ladystarshine.com1188 views12/12/04 at 19:50Mandragora: cool colors

Cobweb - www.ladystarshine.com1046 views12/12/04 at 19:50Mandragora: nice

1221 views12/12/04 at 19:49Mandragora: wer hat die bilder gemacht?

1302 views12/12/04 at 19:40Komposti: voll süß

1050 views12/12/04 at 02:54darkling: knuffig

836 views12/11/04 at 22:07^v^DENJA^v^: ich mag die kombination von schwarz und blau...!!
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