Gothic Model Gallery

Gothic Model Community - Dark Photography

Satyrs Photoportfolio

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Blutgraefin_250804_15.jpg snfb13.jpg Clarissa_140506_16.jpg Systendra_Sickmind_5141.jpg Joana_Myry_050605_026.jpg
File information
Album name:Satyr / Butchered at Birth
Rating (1 votes):0000000000(Show details)
Filesize:86 KiB
Date added:Jun 17, 2006
Dimensions:500 x 752 pixels
Displayed:2550 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

Comment 1 to 4 of 4
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Klodiya   [Jun 17, 2006 at 12:17 PM]
I think that this is the ugliest thing that I have ever see. I also lile dark gothic, but it shold be not so horrible! I seek when I see it! sorry for this comment. Ussually I never say something like this.
SevenDaysToDie   [Jun 18, 2006 at 06:38 PM]
ja sehe ich leider ganz änlich, natürlich ist das ja auch gewollt so aber ich hab dazu auch kein draht sorry Exclamation
Mondfeuer   [Nov 06, 2006 at 11:00 PM]
man habt ihr ne ahnung... die serie ist hammer, mit dem ganzen weiss im starken kontrast zum blutrot.. und den schwarzen haaren und natürlich der umgebung..sehr symbolisch die ganze serie
Satyr   [Apr 24, 2007 at 09:55 PM]
Klodiya, this is not a "Beautyshooting". The idea was from the model and the idea was "Your father not wanted you". It has to be such dramatic, bloody and ugly.

Comment 1 to 4 of 4
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